Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sometimes I wonder....

....why do I even bother fighting the good fight?

For those that know what is going on, I am at my wits end. After working all day having not slept well the night before, then doing dishes, doing laundry, cooking dinner, clipping coupons, folding would be tired. So having to ask repeatedly for someone to simply stop doing something until I after go to bed is gonna grate anyone's nerves when this tired. But then that person takes your request as a a personal cutdown...and you get made out to be the bad guy. Ugh...

1 comment:

  1. It is not a fair situation. It seems one-sided, though there are some reasons it is the way it is. I am sorry that things have been all over the place lately. I hope that things will indeed get better for you soon!
